

Black American Market App & Retail Shoppe has its grand opening

Woodbridge, Virginia – The Black American Market App and Retail Shoppe located in Potomac Mills Mall officially opens its doors on September 17, 2022. The...

Dr. Ian Wilkinson is the CEO of Cyber Ballet LLC. the advanced IT solutions provider.

Dr. Ian Wilkinson is the founder and CEO of Cyber Ballet LLC. An IT solutions provider, training, and consulting small business, specializing in providing...

Portals of Samadhi opens the gateways to healing and life transformation

Feq’ad Wolde and Mesq’al Kebra are the founders of Portals Of Samadhi, located in Oakland California. The Health Counseling service employs a variety of...

Twin sisters Kekilia and Cilicia Green are the owners of Root’d In Nature by K&C, LLC

Twin sisters Kekilia and Cilicia Green are the owners of Root’d In Nature by K&C, LLC, a health and wellness apothecary registered in the...

Culture Beauty Bar Salon and Day Spa by Boonie DaBoss

Every woman deserves to feel good about herself. Schamekia Thomas of St. Petersburg, Florida, who also goes by the name Bonnie DaBoss, owns and...

Shawn Morrison – Computer Scientist, Licensed Insurance Agent

Shawn Morrison, 49, of Charlotte, North Carolina is a Licensed Insurance Agent who started his profession in life insurance after working in the Tech...