Home Science / Tech 51% of Americans Believe UFOs Are Real – PEW Research Center

51% of Americans Believe UFOs Are Real – PEW Research Center

UFO Phenomena

A U.S. intelligence release has brought a new outlook on the proposed reality of unidentified flying objects. According to a survey conducted by PEW Research Center, some two-thirds (65%) of Americans believe that intelligent life exists outside of Earth, with 51% suggesting that U.S. military reports on UFOs serve as evidence of extraterrestrial life. Among those 51% of people in the survey, 40% opted that these reports are “probably” evidence of UFOs, as opposed to the remaining 11% who are confident that military reports are “definitely” self-evident.

What was once embraced by a small community of supporters and a larger group of fans influenced by science fiction has rapidly evolved into a global phenomenon. The ever-advancing technology and our daily commuting habits have changed the world’s perspective on life as we know it. From self-driving vehicles and FaceTime chats to artificial intelligence.

Much of what our ancestors believed could only be seen in an episode of the Jetsons has now become a part of everyday modern life. And while a lot has changed, the question that comes to mind is: do we have a long way to go before we will finally start to explore space on a deeper and more intimate level? Or is this reality not too far into the future? Will UFOs one day be considered a commonplace phenomenon?

Many people worldwide have reported seeing these mysterious objects in the sky. Many onlookers have been shocked by the graceful and soundless appearance of what often seem to be circular lights. Some people remember seeing them for only a brief moment. Sometimes for minutes, and on rare occasions, even for an hour or more.

What could easily be mistaken for a star moving slowly through the night sky becomes a source of unexpected questions. We are familiar with the famous quote from the popular comic book, often said with poise, “Is it a bird?” Is it a plane? “No, it’s Superman!” Well, in this case, it may not be Superman, but a super plane!

The Nation of Islam, considered by many to be a modern religious community, has been advocating for these flying objects since 1930, stating that the objects are not of unknown origin but advanced human technology. Many scientists have also amassed insurmountable evidence suggesting that UFOs are real, they do exist, and they are now simply another fact of life.

Read more about this topic and the U.S. Intelligence report by clicking here.

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