Improve creativity through these techniques

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If you are like many people you may be struggling to finish an important project. With so many other important things going on in your mind like why you didn’t get up at 6:59 and instead snoozed it on out to 7:10. The overwhelming thought of waking up 11 minutes earlier than the snooze alarm can sometimes be excruciating.

And while most people opt for a day filled with peacefulness, joy or laugher while completely having the mental capacity to handle their objectives, this often times falls short due to many variables. Variables such as lack of inspiration or the necessary motivating force to get them started or further down the road to completion.

This becomes a burden on those wanting to get something done in a timely fashion but are facing roadblocks. For the author like myself, they would call it “Writer’s Block.” Writer’s block is something that is psychologically hindering you from proceeding with writing. But writer’s block isn’t just for writer’s, it’s actually a broader term used to describe a creative who simply cannot continue to be creative.

In this article we will list four things that you can do to generously boost your creativity and get you further into completing your projects.

Four ways to increase your creativity


If you’ve gotten this far in the article then this first tip may be self-evident to you. Reading publications by other creatives can generously boost your creativity. There are many people who have a great ability to do what you are already looking to do.

Since “Writer’s Block” is a psychological hinderance, then reading the thoughts and ideas of other creatives can help to open your brain up to new ways of thinking about yourself or ways to go about what you are doing. Reading also relaxes the mind while allowing it to open up to receiving new thought and speech patterns.

This is important because our brains are wired on neural pathways and often times these pathways become “looped” so to speak as we begin recycling old thoughts and ideas. It’s great to hear others narrate their personal experiences with completing their projects and can even make you feel better about what you are doing.


Youtube the popular video sharing platform quickly rose to be the world’s leading source for video content since its first inception in 2005. They report that over 200,000 videos are uploaded to their website every single day.

Among those massive numbers are many videos that are made for the sole purpose of educating the world on just about anything they want to know. Not only does Youtube and many sites like it provide the luxury to learn thousands of different things, but it’s available to be accessed 24/7 for free.

You may even find that there are people who are willing to offer you a service mentoring or helping you to complete your projects. Try searching for videos that either discuss or demonstrate what you are trying to achieve.


I know. This next tip sounds cool and all, but for many it may be a very difficult step. That’s because a large portion of people will admit that they are not that exciting or adventurous. An adventure doesn’t have to be hiking up a hill with a camping pack, or riding bikes at the top of the Grand Canyon.

Sometimes, the best adventure is to go out for a long walk, or taking a stroll for no reason other than to see your surroundings. Often times we get stuck in a day-to-day routine of only doing things that are absolutely necessary until we are no longer being spontaneous in our movement.

When we are no longer spontaneous it can lead to repetitive behaviors that are sometimes detrimental to one desiring to have fresh creative thoughts and ideas. Being spontaneous in our movements can be theoretically compared to exercising muscles through muscle confusion.

This is because you don’t want to get to a point where you aren’t continuing to expand your creative mind by practicing the same routines, just as you don’t want the muscles to become too used to your workout routines or they stop growing.


This last tip may be one of the hardest steps depending on where you are in your work but also the most rewarding. Seeking out other creatives who have become successful in their field and introducing yourself and your project while asking for advice can go a long way.

The right person can give you some of their own personal experiences and the different things they also have done to overcome their creative obstacles. They may also even be able to introduce you to systems that have helped them to become better at their craft. Introduce you to other people who may be able to support your work and give you the motivation you need in order to be successful.

Try reaching out to people that inspire you and see what happens. Be prepared to take it a step further.

That’s four things that we believe is sure to boost your creativity. If you enjoyed reading this article and thought the advice was helpful, please share with your friends on social media!

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